getting my spainish feet

Ok I think I am getting the hang of things..slowly. I met two of the other teachers yesterday and they showed me around and we had a drink at an outdoor cafe. It was fun. I also finally was able to get a cell phone, which took days to figure out. It is raining here today and it is truly lovely. I have walked more since I have been here than I have in months! Now I know why they close everything down in the middle of the day, everyone is so tired of walking that they need to rest!! I might need to get a new place to stay because I am right next to a pub that partyies EVERYNITE till 4 am. I have not slept very much at all! I love everyone! I miss you all!!!

One thought on “getting my spainish feet

  1. So glad you’re making it work for you in Spain.
    Hang in there. You’re smart resourceful and clever.
    Love to you.

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